Monday, March 16, 2009


Hey, Julia had a thought today abou the Reunion Food.

Since the group is growing --with grand kids and great grandkids, new in-laws, etc. We should probably have a centralized menu discussion. Is there any food alergies that we need to plan around, and "WON"T EAT THAT-s" etc. that we should take into consideration? Let us know!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Babysitting the Graddaughter

I thought I let Emma write a few words....

ttttttttttttttttttttt hg lu ju b bjikrdcg

Short and to the point. (except the fact that her fast little hands pushed so many buttons, it took me quite a while to shut down all the stuff she managed to fire up--spreadsheets, queries, etc.)

Heavy workload this week.

D'y'ever feel like this? This week I feel like this bike. Loaded with stuff. I have 2 wedding cake and about 10 other cakes going out in a few days.
This is sugar cane on a bike in Malawi. I saw one that was actually stacked over 8 feet high!

The name of this blog

Okay, just to set the record straight. The ONLY reason I chose "The Favorite Son!" for this blog is because that's what the siblings call me. As if they were any less loved by the folks. So this was more for humor than reality. I've not had any complaints, but I thought I'd address it before the fact.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This is time BLOGGING (not clogging)...arteries that is...

Stuff is really happening. Whatever it is, it is certainlhy stuff.

Anyway, tonight, Julia and I are getting ready for a contest of Cribbage! Ooo exciting.

Well, I figured, that it would be cool to create a tournament of Cribbage for the reunion. Every night or so while we are there, the roster would be updtated as to who was the current champ. Then we would crown the reigning Cribbage Campion at the end, which of course would be dad--Carmichael.

But we will see--Julia is pretty lethal! (no I'm not talking farts!)

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Junk Room

Growing up we had a junk room. All kinds of stuff that could only belong in the junk room. Mom always said that if you looked in there you'd go blind. So that's the title for this. It is a collection of somewhat unrelated junk from life.
Some if it has to do with work--cake baking, family, hobbies, you-name-it. After all, now days the buzz word is "eclectic"